Together, we have faith

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Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the

Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. -Galatians 6:8.

October is harvest time here in Miami County and it always makes me think of all of the harvest themes that are in God’s Word. In this month’s text we find one of the great motivations to choose God’s way in the little things of life. Our lives now and eternal work much like a field; little thoughts, little words, little actions are like seeds. If we choose God’s way in the little things of life one day we will experience a harvest of eternal life. Here in our text as in many other places in God’s Word eternal life does not mean “living in heaven when you die” but God’s quality of life. Many who have walked with Christ have known this. The little choices they made to pray, to not harbor a grudge, to sacrifice a bit of their time here and there for someone else has produced a harvest of eternal life later in their life. If you are blessed to know someone has walked with God for many years you know what I mean. They are set in God’s ways. There is no question of them compromising their integrity. They have a wisdom and grace about them. You can sense that they really to care about you. Sometimes the way they are is taken for granted. People think “that’s just the way they are.” The reality is that all the little seeds of choosing God’s way has brought about a harvest in their life. My prayer for each of us this month is that we would see that life with God takes place in the very mundane, seemingly insignificant moments of life.  In those moments we might choose God’s way and see a harvest of God’s quality of life.

                                                                                 Faithfully, Pastor Greg

  • Youth Group - Oct. 20

    The Youth Group will meet at 5:30pm on Sunday, Oct. 20.  Starting our Bible Study.

    Youth group is for Jr High & High School age youth.  Please join us!

  • Halloween Party - Oct. 26

    The Halloween Party will be held at Lostcreek Memory Barn on Oct. 26 from 2-4pm.   Kids can wear costumes.  There will be games, scavenger hunt, and snacks.

  • Cove Spring Kids - Nov. 10

    Cove Spring Kids will meet on Sunday, Nov. 10 after church.

    Cove Spring Kids is for youth in pre-k through elementary.  Please join us!

  • Parents Bible Study - Nov. 10 during Cove Spring Kids

    The parents of the youth are starting a Bible study during Cove Spring Kids, Nov. 10 after church, 10:30 to 11:45.  Please contact Michelle Robbins, or e-mail for the link to purchase the Bible study.

  • Blanket Sunday - Special offering Nov. 10

    Blanket Sunday will be Nov. 10.  There will be offering envelopes in the bulletin that Sunday.  This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those in need.  Thank you for your support.

  • Baked Potato Dinner - Nov. 17

    The Harvesters Cirlce Class is hosting a Baked Potato Dinner after church on Sunday, Nov. 17.  If you can help volunteer with this dinner, please talk to Barbara Fulton or Patty Taynor.

  • Youth Group - Nov. 24

    The Youth Group will meet on Sunday, Nov. 24  to set up the outdoor Nativity Scene and have a pizza part.  Time TBD.  

    Youth group is for Jr High & High School age youth.  Please join us!

  • Christmas Decorating - Nov. 24

    The Christmas Decorating Committee will meet on Sunday, Nov. 24 to decorate the church for the Christmas Season.  

    Time has not been set yet.

  • Youth Christmas Program - Dec. 15

    The Youth of Cove Spring Church will run the worship service on Sunday, Dec.15.  

  • Coffee, Juice, Donuts reception - Dec. 15

    The Deacon's and Youth Group will have a reception after church on Sunday, Dec. 15 with coffee, juice & donuts.  Come and join us for this special time of fellowship.  

    All are invited!

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